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Исправление sanyo1234, (текущая версия) :

По словам

Here are some key points about garbage collection in .NET Native AOT-compiled binaries:

    GC Design: The .NET Native GC is designed to be simpler and more predictable than the traditional .NET GC. It uses a non-compacting, mark-and-sweep algorithm, which avoids the need for compaction and simplifies the GC implementation.
    AOT Compilation: During the AOT compilation process, the compiler analyzes the code and generates GC information and metadata that is embedded in the final binary. This metadata is used by the AOT GC at runtime.
    GC Triggering: The AOT GC is triggered based on a simple threshold mechanism. When the amount of allocated memory crosses a predefined threshold, the GC is triggered to reclaim unused memory.
    Thread Suspension: Unlike the traditional .NET GC, which suspends all threads during a collection, the .NET Native GC uses a concurrent marking phase that allows threads to continue running during most of the collection cycle.
    Memory Layout: The .NET Native GC uses a different memory layout compared to the traditional .NET runtime. It separates the managed heap into different regions, including the new object space, the large object space, and the pinned object space.
    Performance Characteristics: The .NET Native GC is designed to be more deterministic and predictable in terms of performance, at the cost of some throughput compared to the traditional .NET GC. This predictability is important for scenarios like ahead-of-time compiled apps, where consistent performance is crucial.

Btw., следующий релиз .NET v9 нацелен на cloud-native приложения, наверно, Goкрыс на мороз будут выпинывать?

Исправление sanyo1234, :

По словам

Here are some key points about garbage collection in .NET Native AOT-compiled binaries:

    GC Design: The .NET Native GC is designed to be simpler and more predictable than the traditional .NET GC. It uses a non-compacting, mark-and-sweep algorithm, which avoids the need for compaction and simplifies the GC implementation.
    AOT Compilation: During the AOT compilation process, the compiler analyzes the code and generates GC information and metadata that is embedded in the final binary. This metadata is used by the AOT GC at runtime.
    GC Triggering: The AOT GC is triggered based on a simple threshold mechanism. When the amount of allocated memory crosses a predefined threshold, the GC is triggered to reclaim unused memory.
    Thread Suspension: Unlike the traditional .NET GC, which suspends all threads during a collection, the .NET Native GC uses a concurrent marking phase that allows threads to continue running during most of the collection cycle.
    Memory Layout: The .NET Native GC uses a different memory layout compared to the traditional .NET runtime. It separates the managed heap into different regions, including the new object space, the large object space, and the pinned object space.
    Performance Characteristics: The .NET Native GC is designed to be more deterministic and predictable in terms of performance, at the cost of some throughput compared to the traditional .NET GC. This predictability is important for scenarios like ahead-of-time compiled apps, where consistent performance is crucial.

Btw., следующий релиз .NET v9 нацелен на cloud-native приложения, наверно Goкрыс на мороз будут выпинывать?

Исходная версия sanyo1234, :

По словам

Here are some key points about garbage collection in .NET Native AOT-compiled binaries:

    GC Design: The .NET Native GC is designed to be simpler and more predictable than the traditional .NET GC. It uses a non-compacting, mark-and-sweep algorithm, which avoids the need for compaction and simplifies the GC implementation.
    AOT Compilation: During the AOT compilation process, the compiler analyzes the code and generates GC information and metadata that is embedded in the final binary. This metadata is used by the AOT GC at runtime.
    GC Triggering: The AOT GC is triggered based on a simple threshold mechanism. When the amount of allocated memory crosses a predefined threshold, the GC is triggered to reclaim unused memory.
    Thread Suspension: Unlike the traditional .NET GC, which suspends all threads during a collection, the .NET Native GC uses a concurrent marking phase that allows threads to continue running during most of the collection cycle.
    Memory Layout: The .NET Native GC uses a different memory layout compared to the traditional .NET runtime. It separates the managed heap into different regions, including the new object space, the large object space, and the pinned object space.
    Performance Characteristics: The .NET Native GC is designed to be more deterministic and predictable in terms of performance, at the cost of some throughput compared to the traditional .NET GC. This predictability is important for scenarios like ahead-of-time compiled apps, where consistent performance is crucial.