История изменений

Исправление dataman, (текущая версия) :

Возможно, кому-нибудь пригодится:

MakeMake is a tool for generateing and running make files from C code. It does so by parsing the .c and .h files in the same directory as a starting file (usualy the C file containging main), and determains recursivly what files are required to build the project. make make does this by looking for any function declaration using extern, and the searches for the corresponding function definition.

Вспомнил!Макемаке 👨‍🚀

Исходная версия dataman, :

Возможно, кому-нибудь пригодится:

MakeMake is a tool for generateing and running make files from C code. It does so by parsing the .c and .h files in the same directory as a starting file (usualy the C file containging main), and determains recursivly what files are required to build the project. make make does this by looking for any function declaration using extern, and the searches for the corresponding function definition.